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Number One Beale

It was an empty warehouse for years. Then an expensive if not successful restaurant. Since then, it was demolished and plans have been made to put an iconic building there, there as the tallest structure in town, would give our skyline the impressive introduction the Pyramid would have gotten, had it not been built in a hole.

Behind Number one Beale looking toward Captain Bilbo's - 1978

There is great disagreement in "The City of Good Abode" on what legally can and properly should be done at Number One Beale and all along the Memphis Riverfront. This is not new for Memphis, as use of the stretch of the river bluff, along Front Street from Union to Jackson, known as the "Public Promenade" has been debated for 185+ years!

The August 27, 1887 issue of Harper's Weekly featured our own bluffs on the cover, in a wood engraving by Charles Graham. The title: "Protecting the Bluffs at Memphis, Tennessee." Here is a reproduction of that cover illustration.

Harpers Weekly - 1887

The post office, the library, the parking garage at Front and Monroe, Mud Island access, Wolf River harbor access, ownership of the land - you name it - there is disagreement on it. Local Memphis blog Gathering At The River is a good place to check for the latest news on the Memphis riverfront.

Parking garage at Front and Monroe circa 1954

Same garage as seen today in 2007. Note the "UP"logo on tower building...more here... UP Bank

The original Customs House and library